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National Youth Conclave on Positivity

Centre for Education, Governance & Policy (CEGP) Foundation in partnership with National Human Rights Commission, Govt of India is organizing a ‘National Youth Conclave on Positivity’ based on the theme ‘India for the World 2030’ in the year of 2022.

Why do we exist?

India is marching ahead towards the vision of our honourable PM “New India 2030”. Our country, with its diversified culture, civilization, natural resources, technology and huge skilled human resources is one of the fastest developing economies in the world. However, several problems are plaguing our country which need the attention of the hour, if we are to become a global superpower by the next decade.

We help government bodies and private institutions to execute inclusive models that are innovative, economically viable and add equitable value to all stakeholders involved in this ecosystem. We are committed to our vision and mission to uplift and promote potential leaders for greater cause of Nation Building.

With a dream to participate in the development story of our country and act as “changemakers” to solve the social, financial, economic problems, we came up with an ideal solutions.



Education is the first step for people to gain the knowledge, critical thinking, empowerment and skills they need to make this world a better place.



Good governance makes a huge difference in our lives



The best public policy is made when you are listening to people who are going to be impacted.


The Mean to Secure Future

Help the People

Sustainability and Scalability

We provide customized solutions to the Urban Local Bodies, Government bodies, NGOs, Corporates, etc. The model is piece wise scalable i.e. depending upon the geographical location, climatic conditions, cultural similarities, the same model can be replicated in other areas of the same state having similar above-mentioned conditions.

Inclusive Sustainability and Scalability Model:

Even if you leave,
Your work should

Know our works

Our Services



CEGP Foundation focuses on supporting and implementing our partners vision and goals for social and sustainable impact.



We aim to bring together sectoral facts and perspectives from the ground to drive insight to an action.



To strengthen the execution capacity, we focus on all the aspects ranging from policy formation to resource management.

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